
My name is Dale-Lyn.I an married to Colin and have two teenage boys (Actually an 19 and 17 years old).We had our daughter in October 2008. We have a Sun Conure called Biggles who is so beautiful and one budgie called Ginger. We have a dog called Diamond. We also have two cats that belong to my mum Rajah and Tiger. I am a Stay at home Mum for the moment I enjoy scrapbooking and the wii

Monday, September 17, 2007

Where were you?

20 years ago I . . . was almost 21, and I was in the Royal Australian Navy based at HMAS Waterhen. I also had been married a year to my dh who was onboard HMAS Hobart somewhere overseas. We lived in Maroubra.
15 years ago I… was almost 26 and had just moved into our current home after living in Hoppers Crossing in Victoria. dh was onboard the Melbourne he had been commissioning crew and youngest ds was the first baby christened onboard.
10 years ago I . . . was almost 31 and was a SAHM eldest ds was in Year 2 and youngest was in Year One and dh had just finished TAFE and topped his course and was working at Leaseway. Living in our current house.
5 years ago I . . . almost 36. I was still a SAHM and eldest ds was in his first year of High School and youngest in his final year of Primary. dh was working for Harvey Norman (but not for much longer) November to January very dark time in our lives.
3 years ago . . . I was working as a casual at Coles Woodcroft and had made some nice new friends one who even liked to scrapbook (who I am going to a scrapbook weekend away with this weekend).
1 year ago I . . . was a part time packer at Coles Stanhope Gardens I hated my job and the bosses I worked with all the nice people I used to work with were gone all bar one . Also we had found out that my mum had a mass in her bowel that needed looking at.
So far this year I . . . have left Coles and started a new job at a great place where I am treated so well. I also fell pregnant and lost it.eldest ds is finishing school, a photo event I have been planning for six years.
Yesterday I . . . went to work to do my first Sunday shift. Had a great time.
Today I . . . went to work again an extra shift not bad for a job that was only supposed to be one afternoon a week.
Tomorrow I . . . am working again only my normal shift
In the next year I shall . . . be going to the youngest son’s year 12 graduation.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


I just want to thank everyone for their support and kind words.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

why I hvae been very quiet

Sorry to have taken so long lots has happened.
Colin and I have celebrated 21 years of marriage.
Still love my new job have opened the store a few times now.
Boys are finding the later years at school harder then they thought.
My mum who was flying to the USA in September has just been informed that she failed the Qantas plane test so she may die in flight should she fly she is very upset with only four weeks to go.
The boys competed in the City to Surf maybe next year we will do it as a family.

On a sadder note the main reason I have been quiet is that I had a miscarriage.
I found out I was pregnant on August 7 very shocked but excited. It went over well with my family and dh's. The boys were happy.
But at my first ultrasound they couldn't find a heartbeat and when more blood was taken they said it had stopped growing. It was seven weeks and one day old at the time.
It had been conceived around our wedding anniversary so it would have been the gift that keeps on giving.
So I a curette on the 13th of August.
We had never lost a baby before it always had been I was pregnant so it was the biggest shock to us. We have learnt some lessons from the experience don't tell anyone until everything is right as its really hard to face telling them you that you lost it.
We may try again this one was a surprise and a pleasant one but my age is against us being almost 41. And do I really want to go back to it?
I am just finishing all the school stuff with my children I would have to start from the beginning again.
Other then that life is fine.
The experience has bought Colin and I closer then ever together (if that's possible as we are already joined at the hip).
Bye for now