week 0 to 8
Week 0
Thursday 16th I was born had my first visitors.Daddy and Nana . I had my first bath and my first bottle with Nana. Deirdre came to visit with flowers. Then that night my brothers came to meet me later that afternoon. Also during the day Mummy and I both had different injections.
Friday 17thStill in hospital Daddy came to visit and held me while I had my hearing test. He also bought my own clothes so I didn't have to wear hospital clothes. My next visitor was Marina. Daddy gave me my bottle while visiting. Also the doctor came and looked at me and said I was fine and I could go home anytime.
Saturday:18th I came home today. I had to have a heel prick test it really upset Mummy and me. Daddy and Jonathon came and got us. I had my first ride in the car and my car seat. Our first stop was Woodcroft. I had my first pram ride Jonathon pushed me. We went to Mc Donalds first and then to Dollar Smart and then Coles. My first home visitors were Aunty Jenny and Uncle Bob. Then John Carol and Matthew came to visit.
Sunday 19th Today the midwife visited us. We also had other visitors Marina and Norma . Mummy dressed me in a cute outfit from her workmates
Monday 20th Today daddy had a meeting so we went with him to show me off to his boss.
We went to the op shop first and were able to buy a stand for my carry basket bed. While Daddy was at his meeting Mummy and I went to Big W and mummy bought me a new dress and sunhat. We also bought my bath from Dollar Smart.
Tuesday:21st We went to Parramatta shops. Then we went to Medicare to get me on the Medicare card and register for the baby bonus.
Wednesday 22nd we stayed home today as it was raining.
Week 1
Thursday 23rd I am one week old today. I stayed home today with Dad.
Friday: 24th Was Mummy's birthday. We all went out to the Blacktown Workers Club for lunch and I got to met Karen Matthew and Amanda Ray. Also bought my vibrating bouncer.
Saturday 25th We went to Pecky's for a quick visit and show off.
Sunday 26th Visited some of the neighbours.
Monday 27th Daddy went back to work Mummy took me shopping in the morning and had be weighed 4.9kg I also had my first witching hour.
Tuesday 28th Went to the doctors with Mummy and then we went shopping.
Wednesday 29th Went shopping with Mummy Daddy bathed me for the first time.
Week 2
Thursday 30th was the last day I wore newborn size nappies.
Friday 31st Halloween my Daddy stayed home
I wore my black “Cat”suit.
Saturday 1st We stayed home and John, Carol and Matthew came to visit us.
Sunday 2nd Today Michelle,Natalie,Noah and Bryce came to visit. Bryce was born 15 days before me.
Monday 3rd Stayed home had a very good day just sleeping and eating
Tuesday 4th Daddy stayed home. Helen and Susan came for visit and cuddle. It was Helen's birthday.
It was also Melbourne Cup Mummy used my birth date and won $47.
Wednesday 5th Went to Daddy's work today at North Sydney. Met Daddy workmates.
Week 3
Thursday 6th Went to Rowan's school so my big brother could show off his little sister. Had a cuddle with his maths teacher as well.
Friday 7th Visited Nana in hospital
Saturday 8th Mummy went shopping and got me a bouncer toy with Aunty Maureen voucher I stayed home and played.
Sunday 9th Went to hospital and saw Nana.
Monday 10th Went to Darling Harbour so we could got to GIGA and meet Smorg and Milica..
Then had a late lunch then picked Nana up from hospital
Tuesday 11th Stayed home it was a hot day
Wednesday 12th Stayed in and played
Week 4
Thursday 13th I weigh 5.54kg I had my Santa photo taken today.
Friday 14th Rowan's sign out day so I went to the school. The Jonathon joined us as his name was on the DUX board.
Saturday 15th Went scrapbooking with Mummy at Pecky's then we went shopping at ALDI.
Sunday 16th I am one month old today. Jonathon Daddy Mummy and I went to the Workers Sports Club for breakfast to celebrate. Also John and Carol came to visit.
Monday 17th
Tuesday 18th Stayed home
Wednesday 19th Went shopping for Rowan's formal and we were out for a very long time.
Week 5
Thursday 20th Daddy stayed home with me
Friday 21st Rowan's formal I got to meet Emma
then Mummy and Daddy took me to a Chinese Restaurant.
Saturday 22nd I stayed home today with Daddy
Sunday 23th I went to North Rocks with Mummy while Daddy went computer shopping.
Monday 24th Today I weigh 5.9kgs and I started drinking 150mls.
Tuesday 25th Stayed home
Wednesday 26th Stayed home
Week 6
Thursday 27th Went to Parramatta today to register Melody's birth. Had a nice time shopping
Friday 28th Daddy had the day off we went shopping at Mt Druitt and Plumpton
Saturday 29th I stayed home with Daddy then that afternoon we went for another walk to met some more neighbours
Sunday 30th I had a morning bath for the first time.I started my 6th tin of formula
Monday 1st Went to my brothers old primary school and met Mr Nash
Tuesday 2nd I weigh 6.12kg. Took Christmas Snaps and meet mummy's bosses.
Wednesday 3rd Went shopping in Blacktown with my brothers.
Week 7
Thursday 4th Had a bottle with Nana today and went shopping with Daddy when he finished work
Friday 5th Went to Victoria Barracks and Eastgardens. Also went to Daddy's work
Saturday 6th Went to lunch with Aunty Jenny and Uncle Bob and my family including Nana at the Blacktown workers Club.
Sunday 7th I started my 7th tin of formula. John and Carol came to visit.
Monday 8th Daddy Mummy and I went Christmas Shopping
Tuesday 9th Went to the High School for Presentation night
Wednesday 10th Went shopping in the morning and stayed home for the rest of the day.
Week 8
Thursday 11th Today I am 8 weeks old. I weigh 6.28kg.
Friday 12th We stayed home today
Saturday 13th Scrapbooking Xmas Party at Pecky's and Dollar Smart Xmas party at RSL
Sunday 14th Today we stayed home
Monday 15th went for a long pram ride today and did some shopping.
Tuesday 16th Two months old today had my needles today.I am 60cm long and my head is 40cm. My heart beat was fine.
Wednesday 17th Went shopping with Mummy and visited Mummy's shop to see the girls